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《星球大战:前线2》(Star Wars Battlefront 2)Beta测试现已正式面向PS4和xbox One开启,所以我们终于可以对比一下这款游戏在两台主机上的性能表现差异了。下面这段视频就分别对比了PS4 Pro和Xbox One S的实际游戏画面。
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I'm on a ps4 pro and Vizio M55 . All other HDR content in games and 4k blu rays look great. EA please fix this issue, it's unprofessional that a triple A title hasn't been patched for this yet Hi, Don't know if I must make this in Dutch or English, but I do English, just in case. This is to EA. EA Help on Twitter said I could make a topic here. It's about SW Battlefront 2 on PS4: multiplayer. But I do want to say that I had this kind of problems on pc too.
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