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So infatuated is Mayil with him t Directed by Bharathiraja. With Kamal Haasan, Sridevi, Rajinikanth, Gandhimathi. The movie revolves around the struggle and vulnerability of 16-year old Mayil (Sridevi) when in love. A chronicle of the struggles and vulnerabilities of 16-year old girl in love.

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With Kamal Haasan, Sridevi, Rajinikanth, Gandhimathi. The movie revolves around the struggle and vulnerability of 16-year old Mayil (Sridevi) when in love. A chronicle of the struggles and vulnerabilities of 16-year old girl in love. Director: P. Bharathiraja Production company: Sri Amman Creations Producer: P. Bharathiraja I just watched 16 Vayathinile for the first time completely today. Actually, it is one of the best Tamil movies I have watched. I was quite surprised by freeze frames, and shot angles for many of the scenes. Kamal, and Rajini's acting, Illayaraja's music played a role in the success, but it is the director's vision that stands out.

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QQ悲伤网 10、诗丽黛玮以【vayathinile】(1977年),【sigappu rojakkal】(1978年). 搜索答案关于英雄  Bama Rajkannu, daughter of S A Rajkannu who produced the original directed by Bharathiraja starring Sridevi, Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth  网络 一个梦想成为教师的16岁美丽女孩遇到了两个不同的男人,并引发了一系列故事。 ft:希里黛玉 拉吉尼坎塔 卡迈勒哈桑 16 Vayathinile is a Tamil feature film directed by Bharathiraja.The film stars Kamal Haasan, Sridevi and Rajinikanth. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by Ilaiyaraaja. A chronicle of the struggles and vulnerabilities of 16-year old girl in love. Director: P. Bharathiraja Production company: Sri Amman Creations Producer: P. Bharathiraja 16 Vayathinile starring Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan in the lead role. Find story, trailers, cast & crew, photo gallery, videos, songs, box office collection & every news 16 Vayathinile film made headlines for at 16 Vayathinile was released on 15 September 1977. Rajkannu released the film himself after no distributors were willing to buy it.

Kamal, and Rajini's acting, Illayaraja's music played a role in the success, but it is the director's vision that stands out. The role which got her noticed was the portrayal of Mayil's mother in 16 Vayathinile. Her first adult role came at age 13 with the Tamil film Moondru Mudichu (1976) and she established herself as one of the leading actresses of South Indian Cinema, with roles in 16 Vayathinile (1977), Thulavarsham (1976), Angeekaram (1977), Sigappu Rojakkal (1978), Padaharella Vayasu (1978), Vetagadu (1979 Senthoora Poove - 16 Vayathinile Tamil Songs 是在优酷播出的音乐高清视频,于2014-03-07 22:11:44上线。视频内容简介:稍后补充视频简介 16 Vayathinile Cast & Crew. Welcome to the complete cast and crew page for 16 Vayathinile (1977) on Here you will find the full list of cast and crew who have worked on 16 Vayathinile (1977).

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Sixteen-year-old Mayil is secretly loved by her cousin Chappani and a village rowdy. But she falls for a city doctor,  16 Vayathinilae as the title suggests is about a young girl of sixteen and the follies, which she commits because of her tender age. Vayathinile is a 1977 Indian Tamil-language romantic drama film written and directed by Bharathirajaa in his directorial debut. The film stars Kamal Haasan,  版本:1.1; 大小:3.9M; 发布:2019-03-11; 官网:Hit Songs Apps Some of Kamal Haasan movies are 16 Vayathinile, Varumayin Niram Sivappu, Moondram  卡马尔·哈山,印度籍著名男演员及导演,23岁事出演的《16罗汉》(16 Vayathinile)使得他成为了受欢迎的青年偶像,但他不仅仅满足于偶像派演员,后来,他出演  Mayil (Sridevi) lives with her widowed mother Guruvamma (Gandhimathi) in a village.


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(3)IMDb 8.02 h 2 min1977NR. Sixteen-year-old Mayil is secretly loved by her cousin Chappani and a village rowdy. But she falls for a city doctor,   16 Vayathinilae as the title suggests is about a young girl of sixteen and the follies, which she commits because of her tender age.