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You’ll get these updates automatically after you download the Update Assistant. 10.10.2020 Download AIDA64 for Windows 10 for Windows to hardware and software information utility for Windows 10 computers and mobile devices. Windows 10; 64 位版本的 Windows 需要 iTunes 64 位安装程序; 400MB 可用磁盘空间; 某些第三方可视化工具可能不再兼容该版本的 iTunes。请联系开发者了解兼容 iTunes 12.1 或更新版本的最新可视化工具。 Apple Music、iTunes Store 和 iTunes Match 的可用性在不同国家和地区可能会有所差异 Manual installation format (. zip) is intended for developers and IT professionals. See the ReleaseNotes for installation instructions, supported hardware, and more. Be sure to check out gameplay.intel.com, where you’ll find recommended game settings for many more of your favorite PC games. 对于适用于 Windows 10 版本 1809 的 ADK For the ADK for Windows 10, version 1809 若要开始使用 WinPE,请下载并安装 Windows 评估和部署工具包 (ADK) 以及 WinPE 加载项。 To start working with WinPE, download and install both the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit … Windows 10 Education (x64) – DVD (Chinese-Simplified) 64位教育版 详细信息.
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我们建议使用空白 USB 或空白 DVD,因为其中如有任何内容都将被删除。. 阅读: https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/windows-usb-dvd-download-tool 。.
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You’ll get these updates automatically after you download the Update Assistant. 10.10.2020 Download AIDA64 for Windows 10 for Windows to hardware and software information utility for Windows 10 computers and mobile devices. Windows 10; 64 位版本的 Windows 需要 iTunes 64 位安装程序; 400MB 可用磁盘空间; 某些第三方可视化工具可能不再兼容该版本的 iTunes。请联系开发者了解兼容 iTunes 12.1 或更新版本的最新可视化工具。 Apple Music、iTunes Store 和 iTunes Match 的可用性在不同国家和地区可能会有所差异 Manual installation format (. zip) is intended for developers and IT professionals.
获取 Windows DVD 播放器. 安装 Windows 10 之前,最好保存所有工作,并备份您的电脑,然后再开始安装。如果您使用介质创建工具下载了 Windows 10 的 ISO 文件,则需要先将该文件刻录到 DVD,然后再执行这些步骤。 在要安装 Windows 10 的电脑上连接 USB 闪存驱动器或插入 DVD。 重新启动电脑。 Attach the USB flash drive or insert the DVD on the PC where you want to install Windows 10. Restart your PC. If your PC does not automatically boot to the USB or DVD media, you might have to open a boot menu or change the boot order in your PC's BIOS or UEFI settings. Windows DVD 播放器应用支持装有光盘驱动器的 Windows 10 电脑播放 DVD 电影(但不是蓝光光盘)。.
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Windows 10 (Multiple Editions) (x64) – DVD (Chinese We'll show you how to burn data discs, audio discs and ISO files to CD and DVD, without the need for any third party apps!Windows Know How provides simple, s If you're trying to activate Windows 10, see Activation in Windows 10 for more info. If you're having trouble installing updates, see Troubleshoot problems updating Windows 10. For answers to frequently asked questions, see Windows Update: FAQ. To get the latest major update of Windows 10, see Get the Windows 10 October 2020 Update.
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