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Mafi在加州读的中学和大学,在巴塞罗那留学过一个学期。她目前已经出版了至少6本小说,她的第一本小说Shatter Me《打碎我》出版于2011年,当时只有23岁,书一出来就称为畅销,她有的书已被电影公司买下。她的书分类是young adult,也许就是中文的“青春文学”。
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Aug 31, 2020 - Fan favorite character Kenji Kishimoto narrates this gripping companion novella to Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, Mar 25, 2021 - Fan favorite character Kenji Kishimoto narrates this gripping companion novella to Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, Shadow Me (Shatter Me Novella Book 3) (English Edition), HarperCollins, Tahereh Mafi (作者) 格式: Kindle电子书 ¥40.21 使用我们的 免费Kindle阅读软件. Fan favorite character Kenji Kishimoto narrates this gripping companion novella to Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, set Calling all fans of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series! This gorgeous paperback bind-up includes Shadow Me and the fourth novella Mar 25, 2021 - Fan favorite character Kenji Kishimoto narrates this gripping companion novella to Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, Aug 31, 2020 - Fan favorite character Kenji Kishimoto narrates this gripping companion novella to Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, 雷光加速器官网免费下载:# Intuitive Controls and Convenience + For your convenience, we introduced Papa Vega's Dream Shadows Orchestra, 7 Inch Series by Lucille McLaughlin, who has also produced the children's programmes Balamory and Me Too![citation needed]. 您需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。 Shadow Me book. Read 1500 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Juliette is still reeling from Warner's betrayal, and Kenji is trying 本站书籍全部免费下载,欢迎转载,打印,传阅。 PDF 电子书 手机版; 称义如何使我喜乐 丹尼尔.R.海德. How Can Justification Make Me Joyful, Daniel R. Hyde 记中的基督 C.J.威廉姆斯.
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It should have taken Juliette a single touch to kill Warner. The Shatter Me series is perfect for fans who crave action-packed young adult novels with tantalizing romance like Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and Legend by Marie Lu. Tahereh Mafi has created a captivating and original story that combines the best of dystopian and paranormal and was praised by Publishers Weekly as "a gripping read from an author who's not Tahereh Mafi is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Shatter Me series, Furthermore, and Whichwood. She can usually be found overcaffeinated and stuck in a book. You can find her online just about anywhere @TaherehMafi or on her website, www.taherehbooks.com.
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