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Remember to like and subscribe! If you are the owner o Songr聚合了16个mp3的音乐资源,拥有完整的专辑搜索功能,支持在线搜索功能,轻松找到自己想听的目标歌曲,同时支持将它下载至本地,音乐质量也是非常高的,随时随地想听就听,给您一种超级舒适的听曲体验~ Songr (多功能音频播放器) v2.1 免费版 Songr is an app that allows you to search for and download music and video from the web. Songr's interface is both intuitive and efficient, and the app itself is an effective tool to find music and listen to it immediately on your PC. You can search by lyric or song title and the results are displayed quickly. 6/12/2016 · Songr is a cloud music player that streams and downloads music from multiple web services, including Grooveshark, Prostopleer, MusicSearch and YouTube. You can download HQ or HD YouTube videos and optionally extract the audio track as MP3. Songr is a program that lets you search for, find and download, or stream music from the internet without using P2P sharing programs.

Songr has no control over any web sites or resources which are provided by companies or persons other than Songr. Songr is designed to aid users in streaming cloud music files. The application receives results from multiple MP3 search engines. Insert lyrics, receive songs! Users can browse songs or search for 27/06/2011 Songr 2.1 Deutsch: Songr findet mithilfe von 16 MP3-Suchmaschinen so gut wie jeden Song im Internet. Da janela do Songr você pode pesquisar, simultaneamente, em diversos sites, como MusicSearch e YouTube.

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Remember to like and subscribe! If you are the owner o Songr聚合了16个mp3的音乐资源,拥有完整的专辑搜索功能,支持在线搜索功能,轻松找到自己想听的目标歌曲,同时支持将它下载至本地,音乐质量也是非常高的,随时随地想听就听,给您一种超级舒适的听曲体验~ Songr (多功能音频播放器) v2.1 免费版 Songr is an app that allows you to search for and download music and video from the web. Songr's interface is both intuitive and efficient, and the app itself is an effective tool to find music and listen to it immediately on your PC. You can search by lyric or song title and the results are displayed quickly. 6/12/2016 · Songr is a cloud music player that streams and downloads music from multiple web services, including Grooveshark, Prostopleer, MusicSearch and YouTube. You can download HQ or HD YouTube videos and optionally extract the audio track as MP3. Songr is a program that lets you search for, find and download, or stream music from the internet without using P2P sharing programs. P2P sharing programs gained popularity in the early 2000s as more people began having access to the internet at home. 27/3/2021 · Songr 2.1 Free.

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