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Thanks for reaching out about this! If you're in South Korea, then unfortunately Spotify isn't currently available in your region. However, you can add your vote to this idea to help bring Spotify to South Korea 🙂. The Lyrics feature is currently available in the following countries: Japan, Thailand & Vietnam.If you're in one of these countries and you're not seeing Spotify ( / ˈ s p ɒ t ɪ f aɪ / ),在台灣的公司註冊名是「思播有限公司」)。 是一家線上音樂 串流 服務平台 ( 英语 : Music streaming service ) ,2006年4月由Daniel Ek和Martin Lorentzon在瑞典创立。 目前是全球最大的串流音樂服務商之一,与環球音樂集團、索尼音樂娛樂、華納音樂集團和腾讯音乐娱乐 Here's the issue. Spotify should have, in 2020 by now, provided a desktop equalizer. The reason you don't have a continued desktop userbase is because Spotify chooses not to support features used in their mobile apps..

I understand Spotify a "smaller" desktop fanbase, but they have to also be aware that this is by their own hands.Refusal to support features pushes consumers to competition who 14/05/2012 Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Spotify Music. Listen to PC Music, Vol. 1 on Spotify. Various Artists · Compilation · 2015 · 10 songs. Spotify is a free music streaming service with a vast collection of songs, playlists, audiobooks, speeches, poetry readings, artist radio, and more! It features algorithm-based recommendations, social media integration, on-demand streaming, and even has an option to play files located on your computer.The music app isn’t limited to Windows, however, as it is also available for download on In order to skip the ads from Spotify, you can upgrade to Spotify Premium service by paying $9.99 monthly.

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