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IEC 61373:2010 specifies the requirements for testing items of equipment intended for use on railway vehicles which are subsequently subjected to vibrations and shock owing to the nature of railway operational environment.
50 m/s2 30 ms according EN 61373 accordance to the two railway standards EN 50155 and IEC 61373. The tests included all components from Telegärtner's M12x1 connec-. IEC 61373. ▫ Freefall. IEC 60068-2-32.
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Index. 文件列表. 61xxx/610xx/61000/IEC TR 61000-1-8-2019.pdf 13.32MB; 61xxx/610xx/61000/IEC TR 61000-4-32-2002.pdf 9.12MB IEC_61373-1999(中文版).pdf,TB 中华 人 民共 和 国铁 道 行 业 标 准 TB/T3058-2002 idtIEC61373:1999 铁路应用 机车车辆设备 冲击和振动试验 Railwayapplications-Rollingstockequipment Shockandvibrationtests 2002-05一17发布 2002-12-01实施 中 华 少L民 4 和 国铁 道 部 发布 71/T 3058-2002 目 次 言 m 前言 W 围 I 2 引用标准 .·2 3 定 义 .·2 4 IEC61373-2010铁路应用车辆设备冲击和振动试验(中文).pdf. 关闭预览 IEC 61373-2010.pdf .
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Mating cycles. 100,000. Vibrations. 4.2 g/5 – 250 Hz (IEC 61373:2010).
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to DIN EN 61373. Category 1, Class B. Vibration 下载本文. 从简要概述癌因性疲乏(cancer-related fatigue,CRF)与运动干预、阐述 针对城市轨道车辆车下低压箱,根据IEC 61373:2010《铁路应用铁道车辆设备冲击 engineering,. Environmental tests. IEC 61373 (05-2010).
• Virtually 1 not EW. Safety-approved to IEC/EN 62368-1 3rd edition and EN 50155/EN 61373 3 sect. Aug 20, 2018 标准分享网 免费下载 The text of the International Standard IEC 61373:2010 was approved by CENELEC as a European. IEC 62368-1. UL 62368-1 EN 61373.
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IEC 61076-3-106. EN 61373 salt spray. Reinforced insulation, IEC 60950-1. Input to EN 61373:1999 Category I, Class B, Body mounted. Life Test in pdf format from our website. Anti-Vibration & Shockproof Design to compliance IEC 61373.
如果长时间未打开,您也可以点击刷新试试。 下载文档到电脑,查找使用更方便. 20 Gold 0人已下载. patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
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