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Aug 10, 2018 How to install Kubectl and Minikube. 38,185 views38K views. • Aug 10, 2018. 293. 10 Kubernetes Install Minikube on Virtualbox on Windows.
How to install Minikube and Kubectl on Windows 10 Spltech
本文章向大家介绍windows 10安装minikube,主要包括windows 10安装minikube使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。 2.下载. minikube官网 下载地址跳转 下载方式有2种: 使用windows 安装器; minikube-installer. exe 使用直连的方式,进入到GIT项目中,进行下载; minikube-windows-amd64 下载方式1. 在GIT中找到minikube-installer.exe的安装包,进行下载 当前下载的是v1.6.2版本 下载地址:v1.6.2-minikube-installer After Minikube has finished installing, close the current CLI session and restart. Minikube should have been added to your path automatically. Install Minikube using an installer executable. To install Minikube manually on Windows using Windows Installer, download minikube-installer.exe and execute the installer.
因为本机是windows环境,所以准备了一个额外的linux系统做为docker的安装. 具体docker的安装和私有仓库的安装 For Windows, install VirtualBox or Hyper-V first. Download the minikube-installer.exe file, and execute the installer. On Windows 10 (using Git Bash):. Download Windows installer for MiniKube: :// Go to and download the .exe file from the link below.
Getting Started With Kubernetes On Windows 10 Using
To install Minikube manually on Windows using Windows Installer, download minikube-installer.exe and execute the installer. Install Minikube via direct 使用安装程序安装 Minikube. 在 Windows 上使用 Windows Installer 手动安装 Minikube,下载并运行 minikube-installer.exe 即可。 直接下载并安装 Minikube. 想在 Windows 上手动安装 Minikube,下载 minikube-windows-amd64 并将其重命名为 minikube.exe,然后将其添加至 path 即可。 ,# minikube安装准备 virtualbox安装; 下载minikube-windows-amd64.exe,重命名为minikube.exe,并添加到系统path路径; kubectl下载,添加到系统path路径。 以上安装包,可在文章末尾的云盘下载。 minikube-windows-amd64.exe.sha256 65 Bytes.
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Chocolatey integrates w/SCCM, Puppet, Chef, etc. Chocolatey is trusted by businesses to manage software deployments. 下载kubectl和minikube. 参考install-kubectl-on-windows下载kubectl. 当前的Relsease版是1.9.2,link。更改文件名为minikube.exe. 将上面两个文件放在同一个文件夹内,设置全局Path.
Once the download completed, rename the file to minikube.exe. Download Minicube install. There are several methods to install Minikube, but I found it easiest to just download the Minikube installer from this By using the HyperV functionality in Windows 10, a test Kubernetes cluster can be .com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.15.0/bin/windows/amd64/kubectl.exe. Note that the version of the latest download can be found at Install Docker Desktop for Windows on Windows 10 Enterprise · Deploy Jenkins /minikube/releases/latest/download/minikube-installer.exe. 下载后重命名为:minikube.exe,然后在C盘根目录下创建文件夹Kubernetes并将Minikube和Kubectl放到该文件夹当中。 2. 我们需要在BIOS系统 为了方便大家开发和体验Kubernetes,社区提供了可以在本地部署的Minikube。由于网络 下载minikube-windows-amd64.exe 文件,并重命名为 minikube.exe Once you download the executable, just rename it to minikube.exe. Now, keep it at any location as per your wish.
Install Minikube via direct Aug 05, 2020 · Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a Virtual Machine (VM) on your laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it day-to-day. Mar 04, 2021 · Contribute to kubernetes/minikube development by creating an account on GitHub. 📣😀 Please fill out our fast 5-question survey so that we can learn how & why you use minikube, and what improvements we should make. 在最新的Minikube中,已经提供了配置化的方式,可以帮助大家利用阿里云的镜像地址来获取所需Docker镜像和配置。 注: 本文已更新到 Minikube v1.18.1/Kubernetes v1.20+ 如需更新minikube,需要更新 minikube 安装包. minikube delete 删除现有虚机,删除 ~/.minikube 目录缓存的文件 minikube国内安装步骤 安装Docker 安装. Docker安装比较简单,ubuntu下安装直接: sudo apt-get install centos下面安装: Mar 04, 2021 · minikube-windows-amd64.exe.sha256 65 Bytes.
How to use minikube on Windows 10 home edition? - Server
All the steps moving forward are being done in Powershell. 2020. 12. 27. · Windows 平台; 下载 minikube-windows-amd64.exe 文件,并重命名为 minikube.exe,然后加入到环境变量路径下即可。 2.2 源码编译安装.
38,185 views38K views. • Aug 10, 2018. 293. 10 Kubernetes Install Minikube on Virtualbox on Windows. 细肉云吞 发布于2020/10/14 15:15 minikube下载地址; 下载v1.13.1 ,minikube- windows-amd64.exe ,将在下的文件重命名为 minikube.exe; 配置系统环境变量 PS C:\windows\system32> choco install minikube.
To install Minikube manually on Windows using Windows Installer, download minikube-installer.exe and execute the installer. Install Minikube via direct 使用安装程序安装 Minikube. 在 Windows 上使用 Windows Installer 手动安装 Minikube,下载并运行 minikube-installer.exe 即可。 直接下载并安装 Minikube. 想在 Windows 上手动安装 Minikube,下载 minikube-windows-amd64 并将其重命名为 minikube.exe,然后将其添加至 path 即可。 ,# minikube安装准备 virtualbox安装; 下载minikube-windows-amd64.exe,重命名为minikube.exe,并添加到系统path路径; kubectl下载,添加到系统path路径。 以上安装包,可在文章末尾的云盘下载。 minikube-windows-amd64.exe.sha256 65 Bytes.
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