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律陀(Hippolytus of Rome ),安提阿的提阿非罗(Theophilus of Antioch),. 亚历山大的潘代努斯(Pantaenus of Alexandria ),但都是流于猜测。 从内文我们
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Petition from Mr. Theophilus Atta-Kwami Seneadza concerning Togoland under British Administration. 1956. 下载. Formats. Add to List DOI: 全权访问. 您获得访问的方式:.
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WILSON LAMAR. WILSON TAMELLA G. WILSON TAMMY DENISE. WIMBERLY MONTA SHAY. 余父裕庚任法使四年。既庙瓜代,乃挈眷归,从者为余母暨头贰等参赞、海陆军 随员与其眷属、仆役等,都五十五人。于一千九百零三年一月二日,乘安南船,由 律陀(Hippolytus of Rome ),安提阿的提阿非罗(Theophilus of Antioch),. 亚历山大的潘代努斯(Pantaenus of Alexandria ),但都是流于猜测。 从内文我们 向习惯于以自我感受为中心的基督教读者们出版一套有关圣经教义的丛书,.
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[TRANSLATED BY THE REV. MARCUS DODS, A.M.] [A.D. 115–168–181.] Eusebius praises the pastoral fidelity of the primitive pastors, in their unwearied labours to protect their flocks from the heresies with which Satan contrived to endanger the souls of believers. Download File: Description: theo316sp9.exe: Theophilos 3.1.6 Service Pack 9 This service pack fixes some known issues of Theophilos 3.x. It is recommended that you download and install this update if the version of your copy of the program is prior to 3.1.6. Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria (Entire) by Philip Schaff Christian Classics Ethereal Library. This document has been generated from XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) source with RenderX XEP Formatter, version 3.7.3 Client Academic. (= Theophilus) and Cyril of Alexandria have written.10 Talking about Deir al-Muḥarraq, the author(s) of the History of Churches and Monasteries quotes, in his turn, the discourse on the flight to Egypt attributed to Theophilus.11 Besides, there is evidence that the homily penetrated also into the liturgical sources.
Ward, Robert 49. Wentworth, Thomas, First. 律陀(Hippolytus of Rome ),安提阿的提阿非罗(Theophilus of Antioch),. 亚历山大的潘代努斯(Pantaenus of Alexandria ),但都是流于猜测。 从内文我们 Director Theophilus Raynsford Mann ~ a Taiwanese social reformer, philosopher, 界聯盟基金會、 中華民國醫療器材 檔案下載- 中華民國醫事檢驗師公會全國聯合會檔案下載- 高雄市醫師公會 See what theophilus fernando (theophilusfernando) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's 镂空雕刻花形86图片素材模板下载_雕花CAD-我图网 for Shadow Box Light Box SVG Studio and FCM digital and PDF cut formats. moonscape. Can you still see Langrenus?
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