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Starfleet - Wikipedia

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Starfleet is a decentralized accelerator for Blockchain startups building applications on the æternity platform. Follow us for updates! What we are looking for Seed Stage Startup Your project is at early stage - developing a business model, go-to-market strategy and MVP Visionary Idea You’ve identified a problem and have a clear vision of a working solution :: Starfleet :: is a group on Roblox owned by FC_Gallenoy with 94 members. "To boldly go" Starfleet is the deep space exploratory and defense service maintained by the United Federation of Planets. Its principal functions included the advancement of Federation knowledge about the galaxy and its inhabitants, the advancement of Federation science and technology, the defense of the Federation 25/02/2021 20/03/2020 Starfleet has rapidly expanded its fleet to explore, and has met the military challenge of the first truly intergalactic conflict, The Earth-Romulan War. Now, the Fleet moves from an organization of peaceful exploration, to a position of shared discovery and military presence, joining with the other members of the newly formed alliance known as the United Federation of Planets. FEATURED SIM Why does Starfleet not use body armour? So many redshirts could have been saved if only Starfleet offered some form of protection, but it doesn’t, even durin The new starfleet ranking system consisted of a series of golden braids displayed upon both sleeves of the uniform.

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Earth’s relationship with the Vulcans took a serious downturn when the Vulcan High Command requested that the Warp 5 Program should be terminated after an unfortunate accident in which the Paraagan mining colony, Paraagan II, was destroyed. STARFLEET Intelligence is your community source for STAR TREK news & developments, exclusive in-depth intelligence reports, blog & franchise press feed. starfleetintel. Now Playing Tracks. Facebook Twitter Google Tumblr Zoom. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Leonard Nimoy and his family.


"The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth. Whether it's scientific truth, or historical truth, or personal truth. It is the guiding principle upon which Starfleet is based." Captain Jean-Luc 24/01/2021 STARFLEET Region 3, San Antonio, Texas. 1,160 likes · 3 talking about this.

For the Lyran organization, see Lyran Starfleet. The Federation Starfleet (commonly referred to as Starfleet) is the deep-space exploratory, scientific, diplomatic, and military force of the United Federation of Planets.