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Devices and Mac OS X version. VLC media player requires Mac OS X 10.7.5 or later. It runs on any Mac with a 64-bit Intel processor or an Apple Silicon chip. Previous devices are supported by older releases. Note that the first generation of Intel-based Macs equipped with Core Solo or Core Duo processors is no longer supported. 二、VirtualBox虚拟机安装Mac OS 10.12图文教程的具体步骤.

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Jan 15, 2020 · Update (April 13, 2018): Mac OS 10.13.4 released! Update (June 05, 2018): Mac OS 10.13.5 released! Update (July 26, 2018): Mac OS 10.13.6 released! Update (July 26, 2018): Mac OS Mojave 10.14 released! We also recommend that you read our article how to update macOS to upgrade your Mac using the Apple Store. Final Word 2019-6-20 · Mac OS High Sierra 10.13镜像下载 懒人版cdr 镜像 Mac OS X 10.8 正式版种子 苹果公司正式 The content goes to Apple. Enjoy the operating system!

Play: It's better than ever with Note: This product is not compatible with macOS Catalina and later. Minor bug fixes Refuses to work on High Sierra. Reply. 10 Dec 2020 We tell you where to download Catalina, Mojave, El Capitan, Sierra or older. macOS Catalina; macOS Mojave; macOS High Sierra; macOS Sierra; OS X do is go to a torrent site and download a copy of the OS X you want. 20 Oct 2020 In macOS, the Boot Camp Assistant app will help you partition your Mac hard from an installation disk or an ISO image stored on a USB flash drive. If your computer cannot run macOS High Sierra version 10.13.x, you Improve performance of file watching for ignored paths on Windows and Mac shortcut for UK (ISO) keyboards; Windows: Improved fallback font handling in UI Mac: Fixed file change notifications from freezing UI on macOS Sierra; Mac: Current Version: 1.3.3 · macOS · Windows · Linux · Other · Nightly Builds · Archive · Download Mirrors · GPG - Verify the authenticity of your download.